Sandiaga Uno’s Economic Vision for Indonesia: Job Creation and Affordability for All

Fellowship Agenda

Mr. Sandiaga ‘Sandi’ Uno, a man of vision, brings a spirit of innovation and collaboration to Indonesia's economy. Mr. Sandiaga’s agenda for his term of office as Distinguished Fellow will focus on articulating the innovative economic concept known as Sandinomics. Sandinomics is not merely a series of policies, it reflects a holistic vision for economic well-being consisting of two main pillars: Maintaining Price Stability and Creating Jobs on a broad scale.

As the Deputy Governor of Jakarta (2017 – 2018) and later the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (2020 – current), Sandiaga's journey in embracing the core pillars of his economics—maintaining price stability and creating jobs—is an inspiring tale of collaboration.

As the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga demonstrated his commitment to public-private sector partnerships by inviting business leaders, creative minds, and those in the tourism industry to work together to create new value. By building an inclusive and innovative ecosystem, Sandiaga Uno elevated Indonesia's creative economy and tourism industry to new heights.

Through the OK OCE program, Sandiaga opened doors for small traders and entrepreneurs to access a broader market. This step not only created new job opportunities but also paved the way for creativity and innovation to flourish in the SME sector.

In an effort to optimize the tourism sector, Sandiaga built a collaborative network between the government, business stakeholders, and the community. This initiative not only supported the growth of the tourism industry but also created new job opportunities in various related sectors such as hospitality, restaurants, and tourism services.

Members of the public are cordially invited to hear how such initiatives inspired by the inclusive and innovative economic vision of Sandinomics can unlock a vast potential blue ocean in the employment sector while maintaining price stability. Our Distinguished Fellow, Sandiaga Uno, will reinforce the belief that close collaboration with the government and private sector is the key to creating a brighter and more competitive economic future for Indonesia.

Event 1 : Sampoerna Strategic Square

12 October 2023

    • Dr. Wahyoe Soedarmono, Dean of Faculty of Business at Sampoerna University

    • Dr. Fithra Faisal Hastiadi, Lecturer, Department of Economics, University of Indonesia & Executive Director of Next Policy

    • Sunarsip, Chief Economist, The Indonesia Economic Intelligence (IEI)

  • Mr. Sandiaga ‘Sandi’ Uno, a man of vision, brings a spirit of innovation and collaboration to Indonesia's economy. Mr. Sandiaga’s agenda for his term of office as Distinguished Fellow is focus on articulating the innovative economic concept known as Sandinomics. Sandinomics is not merely a series of policies, it reflects a holistic vision for economic well-being consisting of two main pillars: Maintaining Price Stability and Creating Jobs on a broad scale. 

    On the 1st event, the public talks attracted hundreds of participants from across the region and garnered significant media attention with total of 60 publications.  From total of 60 publications, 32 publications are from tier-1 media and the rest (28 publications) from either tier-2 and/or regional media titles.

Event 2 : SGGP Sentul

18 February 2024

    • Ardhi Arsala Rahmani

    • Dwi Kinasih

    • Sastyaveani Rhea Revansyah

  • On the 2nd event located in the School of Government and Public Policy (SGPP), the session gave an unique opportunity for Pak Sandi to speak directly with students, academicians and the media on the economy, entrepreneurship, and innovation and to inspire them to contribute back to society. With in-depth discussion with a panel of selected youth or business leaders, Pak Sandi have shared his thought leadership around the topic in a free and open format. This event adopted a hybrid format for the first time, combining both physical and virtual participation. Here are the attendance figures:

    Total Registrations: 283 registrants

    Offline Attendance at SGPP: 124 attendees

    Online Attendance via YouTube (Kemenparekraf and SGPP) and Zoom: 648 viewers

Event 3 : Fairmont Hotel

14 April 2024

  • CEO list:

    • Harris Shim, CEO Job on Demand (JOD) 

    • ⁠Falah Putra, Direktur Utama PT Selaras Anaam Sena

    • ⁠Ian Betts, Managing Partner, CastleAsia

    • Andhika Sudarman, CEO Dealls

    • ⁠Donny Wahyudi, CEO Smart Parking

    • Alexander Yahya Datuk, CEO Sandinomics

    • Fithra Faisal Hastiadi, Senior Economist Samuel Sekuritas


    • Netta Sjafei, MBA, PMP, CBCI

  • BOSF roundtable event invited the CEOs or business leaders to share their organization’s experiences and challenges as employers and creators of high-quality jobs in the Indonesian economy amidst technology disruption and the rise of AI. They also discussed new ways that government and the private sector can cooperate to achieve good outcomes and deliver high value to the economy of Indonesia.

    The press release from the last event has secured 14 news articles with all positive sentiments.

100+ Media Coverage

Discover all of the Media Coverage for all of the 3 Events

Testimony from Sandiaga Uno